Natalie's Intial Impressions of the village!
Wow arrival at base hut and you are almost on top of the
rainforest world, mountains as far as the eye can see basking in glorious sun.
Everywhere you look there is life here, from ant, beetles, spiders and any kind
of insect you can think of or not. Chickens with chicks, pigs and piglets,
water buffalo of course the villagers themselves always busy and the most
important elephants.
The villagers live in traditional houses made of a hardwood
frame and a lot of bamboo all made by hand. My room is separate from the family
home a small hut on stilts which is tidy and clean with a matt for a bed and a
pink mosquito net suspended from the ceiling. I am quite lucky in that I have a
bathroom down a short dirt path with a western toilet, though of course I have
to flush this myself with the water pan, I also have a shower and the family
proudly show me their washing machine.
Back at base hut we are taken for a tour of the village
situated on the steep mountainside, this is difficult terrain especially in the
beating sun and they call this the cool season. We walk up the slope to the
school and in my head I promise myself I will never walk this route again.
After meeting everyone we eat communally each of the
villagers provide food to base hut and we are blessed as the villagers tie a
white string (in a geeju ceremony) around each wrist of all volunteers and
staff this is for good luck and protection. After eating a fantastic range of food with
rice, having elephant chats and risk assessments its off for and early night.
It is pitch black at around 7.30 at night and the villagers are early risers
4-5 am.
First sighting of the elephants babies Mario, Lulu and Bi
Mai is fantastic walking up the mountainside to meet us with their mahouts. The
joke is on me we are off up the same track I swore to never walk again, but
baby elephant pace is spot on for me, this time I make it in one go. We stop
before entering the forest and feed the babies bunches of bananas they are so
gentle stretching trunks to sniff and take them from our hands and within
seconds you feel comfortable enough to place the bananas in the elephants
mouth. They are gracious gentle and beautiful.
We then head off into the
forest, the gradient is what I imagined and somewhat of a challenge, but is
that not partly what I am here for. We are in close proximity with the
elephants and can watch for most of the hike they seem to make short work of
the steep mountainside happy in their real environment, crashing through bamboo
and any trees in their way which they decide not to eat first. Their eating
habits are varied they choose to eat some leaves, a lot of bamboo and bark from
other tree species. Of the three elephants Lulu seems to be a girl doing her
own thing she does not hang out with the boys, but is usually within sight of
them. Mario is best buddies with Bi Mai, he follows him everywhere, they most
often bottom to bottom, but sometimes bottom to trunk and eat non-stop.
We head back with the babies and mahouts trekking back the
route we came, I find quite demanding I start to think the thing is to believe
this is a passable route, the amazing fit and athletic mahouts almost run up
the route in nothing but flip flops. However they are very good coming back to
help when I struggle, they are very friendly and advise slowly, slowly and make
you feel at ease.
Back at base my homestay has delivered my lunch in an
ideally designed little lunch pot in a bag woven by hand by the villagers, its
trademark lunchtime while here in the mountains.
The afternoon is filled with elephant chat and other
information regarding the village and some free time.

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