2013: A Summary of the Past Year from Huay Pakoot
Hello again from Huay
We are so excited for
the New Year to begin and for our project to continue to grow and improve as
time goes on! Currently, we are in the process of creating a new GVI website
that will be simpler to use and allow you to learn more about all of the
amazing projects that GVI takes part in.
Therefore, this will be the last blog at this blog address. Please stay tuned to our Facebook (GVI
Thailand Chiang Mai) and Twitter (@GVIchiangmai) pages for updates on where you
can find our new blog on the new website! Thank you, as always, for your
support of our project and we wish you the happiest and healthiest of new
Here is a summary of
the major things that happened in Huay Pakoot during 2013!!!
The beginning of the
year started with some unfortunate circumstances in the village when one of our
baby elephants, Song Kran, consumed pesticides from the nearby crop
fields. The amount of pesticide consumed
caused his body to shut down and Song Kran passed away in January. The death of this baby elephant was a
complete shock to everyone in the village, including the volunteers, the
Mahouts, and the villagers, and it was immediately decided that changes needed
to be made, not only to prevent something like this from happening again, but
to ensure the health and safety of the elephants in a variety of
situations. The Song Kran Fund was
started in January with the aims to train the Mahouts successfully in elephant
first aide and to create an emergency veterinary clinic in Huay Pakoot for more
accessibility to injured elephants for effective treatment. The month of January also brought on more
interest in biodiversity in Huay Pakoot.
Night hikes were started to allow volunteers to explore the biodiversity
that comes out at night near the village, and data collection began to
understand the other wildlife that we have in the area!
The second month of
the year in Huay Pakoot saw increased community relations with GVI through
organized fun days and increased interest in learning English from the
locals. The fun day that occurred in
February took place at the school in the village and involved a football match,
cooking Thai food with the kids, and playing all sorts of games and
activities. We also continued to teach
English language lessons, both in the school and to the community. Our project is conservation minded, but
events like these allow us to have positive relationships with the villagers
that we live and interact with daily!
March brought one of
our first fundraising projects to benefit the Song Kran Fund that was
established in January. A climb up Doi
Suthep, a 1,676 meter high mountain near Chiang Mai, was completed by a group
of volunteers and staff members, and all of the participants raised money to go
directly to the Song Kran Fund! We appreciate the hard work and exhausting day
that these GVI participants endured for the health of our elephants! We also
celebrated World Pangolin Day in the village! We celebrated this day to
increase awareness about the species, which could be seen in the village in the
past! One day we are hoping to have more Pangolins around Huay Pakoot,
indicating we have a healthy forest and habitat for them to live in!
In April, our Lead
Mahout had the amazing opportunity to shadow and assist elephant veterinarians
at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center near Chiang Mai. He lived at the
Conservation Center and spent his days learning the daily care and modern
veterinary procedures for the elephants at the center in the hopes that he
could bring this knowledge back to the village and share with the other
Mahouts. Having this knowledge helps
ensure the health of our elephants, since we are so far from any clinics that
would be able to treat our elephants! April also brought the celebration of
Earth Day, allowing GVI participants to help clean up Huay Pakoot and
appreciate the beautiful area that we are fortunate to live in!
May was the month of
increased activities and events to make sure our volunteers had opportunities
to learn more about the culture, interact with the locals, and spend more time
in the forest. One change that started
in May was the chance to eat in the forest! On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the
volunteers have the opportunity to cook their lunches in the forest, using all
natural materials taken from the forest, such a bamboo serving dishes and
bamboo spoons. With the help of the
Mahouts, it is possible to create noodle dishes, fish dishes, and lots of crushed
chili dishes over a big fire created by the Mahouts. It has been a great opportunity for the
volunteers to interact with the Mahouts and learn about the forests that
surround Huay Pakoot. This month brought
an increased interest in learning English throughout the community, so in
addition to teaching English at the school, we started programs to work one on
one with the Mahouts, as well as offering additional classes after school for
the kids and teaching English to our homestay families after dinner.
Five new elephants
joined our herd in June of 2013! This expansion is a huge step forward for our
project because the main goal of the project is to have elephants come from
camps and other venues that are detrimental to their health and be able to live
in their natural habitats! These elephants, including a mother and son as well
as three generations of females, now get to have lives filled with more open
spaces, a variety of food sources available, and socialization with other
elephants that we have on our program.
We are so happy to have San Jep, Mario, Kham Suk, Kha Moon, and Lulu on
our project and love seeing their personalities come to life as they begin
their happier and healthier lifestyles in their natural habitat.
We celebrated World
Tiger Day in July to once again create awareness about tigers and their extreme
population decline worldwide! Volunteers and staff members spent the day
researching facts about the tiger and creating fact sheets to post around base
for future volunteers to see and be educated.
Our volunteers and staff also created a Paper Mache tiger and learned
about the history of tigers in Thailand.
One of the elders in the village shared stories from when he was younger
about the tigers in Huay Pakoot and the interactions that locals had with the
tigers. Tigers threatened the villagers,
the dogs, and the livestock in the village constantly, which is crazy to think
about since the presence of tigers in this area is almost non-existent. It was a great day to learn about the tigers,
both the facts and figures and the personal experiences from a villager!
World Elephant Day,
which is a day near and dear to our hearts in Huay Pakoot, provided an chance
for all volunteers to get involved and think of ways to spread awareness for
elephants outside of Huay Pakoot. The
volunteers and staff created an amazing video about the ethical issues that
Asian Elephants face and how projects like ours aim to change the circumstances
that elephants face. Everyone enjoyed a
showing of the film once it was completed and we hope that the video will
continue to be shown to families and friends all over the world to increase
awareness. Part of the day was also
spent in the nursery with the kids playing games and doing activities that were
all elephant related and taught the kids about how the elephants are much
happier when they get to live in the forest instead of in camps! It was a great
day filled with elephants, and we hope to continue to increase awareness and
education throughout the entire year!
Because our baby
elephants are not quite old enough to be in the forest constantly, we decided
that it would be beneficial for them to have some sort of environmental
enrichment during the time they spend in the village. Our babies can show some stereotypical
behavior that they would have acquired in the camps to amuse themselves, and
the goal of the enrichments is to cut down on this behavior as much as
possible. The enrichment program has
created food related toys for the elephants to play with and puzzle them to keep
their attention away from negative behaviors. In September, we created large
barrels with holes in them to fill with elephant grass as a puzzle feeder, and
we hope to continue to create enrichment devices to keep the elephants amused
in the afternoon and evenings when they are in the village. Having these devices has already shown
positive changes in the frequency of stereotypical behavior and we look forward
to the future of this project!
In October, GVI had
the opportunity to participate in an annual sports tournament that Huay Pakoot
competes in every year! Participants from 20 other villages came to Huay Pakoot
to compete in football games, volleyball matches, and Tah Croch games. Huay Pakoot had an amazing football team and
won the finals on the last day of the tournament. GVI created an all girls volleyball team, and
despite the losses against the other more experienced teams, they had great
spirit throughout the tournament and continued to cheer on the other teams from
Huay Pakoot. Once again, this tournament
provided a great opportunity for GVI staff and volunteers to interact with
villagers and build positive relationships, all while having fun in the sun and
running around!
We participated in a
48 hour sleep-out in the forest as another fundraiser for the Song Kran Fund in
November at the end of the rainy season! Our Mahouts helped us find a suitable
campsite for the weekend, and we packed up our essentials and walked to our
campsite, which was about 2 or 3 kilometers from Huay Pakoot. We all worked together to collect firewood
and clear a big area for sleeping, and then attempted to make our own lunch
without the help of the Mahouts for once! It was very successful, and then we
went on a hike down the nearby river to search for biodiversity near camp. At night, we had the opportunity to hike and
see the elephants, which is a rare opportunity, and despite the treacherous
terrain, it was amazing to see them in a whole different light. We went on gibbon hikes in the mornings, roasted
marshmallows over the camp fire, and tried our best to get some sleep! The
money raised for surviving this sleep out will be a huge help in building the
clinic for our elephants in the new year! We also celebrated the lantern
festival that takes place all over Thailand, both in Chiang Mai and Huay
Pakoot. We let off lanterns by the
school, symbolizing the release of any stress or worries that you may
have. It was an amazing bonding
experience that everyone took part in and had the chance to be worry free!
Our year has been
wrapping up with Christmas celebrations on base, and New Year’s Celebrations
with the villagers and guests from many other villages. Another notable event that happened early in
December was the completion of the Chiang Mai Marathon and 10k by 6 volunteers
and staff members. The motivated runners
traveled to Chiang Mai the weekend before Christmas, woke up at the crack of
dawn or before it, and ran around the old city, once again to raise money for
the Song Kran Fund! Everyone completed the race in great times, and although
they were sore coming back to the village, our program appreciates their
motivation to help our elephants once again!
We want to thank you
again for all of your support of our project and all of its goals, both long
and short term. Please stay tuned as we
begin our new blog in the new year! Best wishes!!!

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