Fun day with the kids
Activities day with the kids.
This week we organised a little activities day with the village children which was held at base camp.
Activites included arts and crafts, water guns, colouring, playing with bubbles and redecorating of the base hut bathroom walls.
Both kids and volunteers had a lot of fun and it was nice to be able to interact with the kids outside of the classroom. Fun for the sake of fun.
The young girls brought their skipping ropes and proved to us that they were far more skilled then us in this field , ending in girls on the ground in fits of laughter as volunteers trip over themselves.
The making and decorating of elephants masks seem to be a hit with the kids, that was until the bouncy ball making kit came out and cardboard and colours were quickly forgotten.
The afternoon was ended with volunteers and kids sitting around having a chat in very broken Pakinyaw mixed with broken Englishthen sharing chocolate milk. All in all a very fun and fulfilling day.

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