Newest members of GVI
Heading out on the hike today i nearly couldn't contain my excitement! The new elephants had arrived in the village and we were meeting them today.
The terrain which usually has me panting and sweating like nothing else seemed to fly because all i could think of was the elephants. When we walked down to the river and the forest opened up there they where.
Ill start with kam sok who is the eldest of the group mother and grandmother of the other two. She is huge ! She has a cute little tail that is shorter then the rest, her right ear is tattered and she has the look of stern motherly wisdom and knowing. She is now the eldest in the GVI group and she has spent most of her life in camps working for tourism.
Then last but not least little Lu Lu. Now poor Lu Lu has never been in the forest before as she has worked in the tourism industry all her short life. Its a wonderful thing to watch her in the forest learning how to be a baby elephant all over again without the worry and hard work of camp life. She has two play mates in Mario and Pbee Mai , and all they need to do all day is eat play in the forest.
I feel extremely privileged to be a part of this program and what its working towards. To watch these elephants be reintroduced to their natural habitat again and witness their growth and change (back to normal ele's) is one of the most heart warming things i have ever seen in my life. And the fact that we are able to have three generations back in the forest as a family is simply magical.
Tammy Bushby

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