International Tiger day 2013
International Tiger Day is an annual celebration to raise
awareness for tiger conservation. It was created in 2010 at the Saint
Petersburg Tiger Summit.The goal of the day is to promote a global system for
protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and
For tiger day, GVI volunteers and staff posted tiger
facts all around the main area at base and created and painted a paper Mache
tiger for the children when they visit base hut. I also gave a presentation about tigers which
included information about tiger day, biological data, such as weight,
population decline, conservation efforts and stories from one of the village
Tiger day can make a big difference just by informing more
people about tigers and the situation they are in, you can make a difference by
posting on facebook , signing petitions or
donating to tiger conservation groups. With only 3,200 tigers left in the wild
they need our help as it is man depleting their natural habitat and poaching
them for the pet trade and traditional medicines. It may seem hard to
understand but tigers feel just like you and I, and they are living creatures,
creatures that deserve our help not our cages.
Written By Joshua Baxter, 19, Australia. 1 month short term intern.
To do your bit please visit the following web sites:-

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