Tiger history in Huay Pakoot
For my tiger day presentation I interviewed one of the village elders in Hauy Pakoot, for any stories about tigers and the village I found out a few things and everyone was very interested and surprised of the historic relationship with people and tigers as well as the current view of tigers in the village.
The elder
also told me about his father. His father was working in the fields one
evening, his friend told him to go home and that he can finish off for the day
but his friend never came home that night. The next day the elder’s father went
out looking for him, only to find what was left of his friend; only his head.
The village
Elder also informed me that he had seen what may have been tiger tracks earlier
this year. If the prints were in fact those belonging to a tiger then there is
still hope for these beautiful creatures, so let’s save them while we can!
To do your
bit for tigers visit the following websites:-
Ø http://www.tigertrust.info/sumatran_tiger_help.asp
Ø http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/tigers/save_the_tiger/donate/

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