Flooding in Central Thailand: Elephants are Unaffected
With a lot of international news coverage of the flooding around Bangkok and much of central Thailand, most people have likely become aware of this terrible situation. Fortunately this has not affected our volunteers and elephants, and the community of Huay Pakoot has been spared. Located so far up in the mountains, the flooding in the lowlands has had little impact. Those farther south however, have been hit hard.GVI is fund raising via our UK charity to support victims from the floods. We aim to provide essential items and give some comfort to people in their time of need, helping maintain some sense of normality as they look to rebuild their lives. Please visit this link to make a contribution:
Chiang Mai city was flooded for a few days in early Oct but is fine now. Volunteers should be aware that trains have been cancelled though. The best option to get to Chiang Mai from Bangkok is by flying. The airport in Bangkok has not been affected by the floods. Volunteers arriving on project should keep up to date using the links below…
The Tourism Authority of Thailand is keeping their site up to date with flood information here:
This map shows the area’s most affected:
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