Traditional Herbal Medicine Garden Underway
For the past week volunteers have been busy clearing and preparing land to create our new Base Hut garden! Today we were busy digging holes for the fence posts.Since there are so many chickens, buffalo, and pigs roaming the village we need to have a fence for the garden before we begin planting anything. However, volunteers have already begun collecting samples of traditional medicinal plants from the forest. The new village monk has been on two elephant hikes this week, and has been extremely helpful in explaining the traditional uses of plants since his English is fairly good! We hope to involve the monk more in the creation of our garden since he is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about working with volunteers.
The long term goal for our garden is to showcase traditional herbal medicines that the local villagers use so that volunteers can learn more about the local culture and traditions. We also plan on planting some fruits and vegetables for volunteers to snack on! Overall, we are excited to have this project underway and will update everyone on our progress soon.
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